"All words are symbols that represent unspeakable realities. Which is also why words are magical." (Donald Miller tweet)

Thursday, October 01, 2009

hockey woes

No hockey for Hamilton.

Please don't get all indignant on me. I know there are hockey teams here. I've even been to a few Bulldogs games.

(Which puts me in a real pickle, by the way. Am I supposed to cheer for the Bulldogs, because they're in Hamilton? Or am I supposed to not cheer for the Bulldogs, because they're the farm team for the Habs-our-sworn-enemies?)

But there's no NHL team for Hamilton. No reason to stop cheering for the Leafs.

(Again, I know there are all kinds of reasons to stop cheering for the Leafs. But in this house, only geography will change that.)

Ah well. The B & B Conflict (Balsillie & Bettman) was an exciting diversion over the summer; far more exciting for me than the actual game of hockey. I just wanted my town to get a shot of excitement. I wanted my property value to increase a little bit.

And I wanted new hockey bling in the basement.