"All words are symbols that represent unspeakable realities. Which is also why words are magical." (Donald Miller tweet)

Monday, August 16, 2010

just breathe

Breathe. This is the profound thing I say to many people. Just ... keep breathing ... you will make it. I've said it so many times, that one person gave me a cross-stitched "breathe" that sits on my window sill at work.

Saturday, as I was cleaning the house for the first time in ... um ... oh, I know ... the first time since my FAC and her family came over, I had this weird sense that I just couldn't put my finger on. What was it? Ah well, no time to figure it out, must clean as fast as possible because then I have to .... Wait. What do I have to do? Nothing. No studying, no reading, no writing of papers, no class to attend, no sermon to write, no crises to work through. All I HAVE to do on this day is ... breathe.

We went out for breakfast. We cleaned. We went out to run some errands - I spontaneously picked up "Happy King Julien Day" - I NEVER spontaneously buy DVDs. Never. But I did.

We spent the later part of the afternoon and the evening with good friends. Watched "Waking Ned Devine" ... again ... because it's HILARIOUS.


Breathing is good.