"All words are symbols that represent unspeakable realities. Which is also why words are magical." (Donald Miller tweet)

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

a momentary view of my brain

I'm starting a week's vacation tomorrow. Yay! So I'm working frantically to get everything done before the end of today. And then what doesn't get done - well, presumably the world will continue without too much disruption.

Lately, there is a whole variety of sources which are offering my brain things to think about. There is G.K. Chesterton, with his 100-year-old book "Orthodoxy" which sometimes makes me laugh out loud, and sometimes goes right over my head, but definitely makes me think. His story of fairy tales and atheists leading him right back to Christianity is definitely a unique one! One thought that grabbed me, was a reference to the "lion laying down with the lamb"....we've all heard that, right? But, he says, we always think that the lion will become LIKE the lamb. But the real miracle would be if a lion could remain the lion he was created to be...and the lamb could remain the lamb he was created to be...and they could exist together. Hmmmm.

Then there's Brian McLaren, an American author and speaker of today. In one of his podcasts that I listened to recently, he remarks that he thinks pacifists might be ahead of their time - that the elimination of war is certainly something to aim for, even if perhaps it isn't possible right now. His entire seminar is quite thoughtful, especially in light of Afghanistan, Iraq, the Amish tragedy....

Then there is "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip" - a new TV series that I am NOT recommending, because I never, EVER recommend TV shows or movies....it's just asking for trouble. But one of the main characters is a committed follower of Jesus, trying to walk out her faith in a network TV setting. Do I agree with everything she says or does? Of course not. But in real life...for those working in Hollywood, or the entertainment industry...it must be quite a challenge to not only walk out your faith, but to do your job well, WHILE you're walking it out. I appreciate Aaron Sorkin's willingness to portray a Christian as a serious character, not just a weird extremist or a joke.

What's in YOUR brain today?