"All words are symbols that represent unspeakable realities. Which is also why words are magical." (Donald Miller tweet)

Thursday, November 09, 2006

prayer for our city

We have been praying a written prayer the last 2 weeks on Sundays. As headline follows headline, and a municipal election is only a few days away, I am praying this prayer daily.

Lord, we call for Your righteousness in this city. Your people have been praying for revival, we have prayed in the seat of authority, we have prayed for those in authority, and we have invited You into our city. Now come, not just in our hearts, but in authority. Bring Your truth and justice and righteousness. Cover and vindicate those who have done right. Expose the wrongs of the enemy. we choose to bless those who see themselves as our enemies. We choose to bless those in authority. We see the strongholds of the city, the spiritual warfare, and we aren't looking for a fight, but we say, "The LORD rebuke you! We are the army of God, and we take a stand for righteousness and justice and honouring of the LORD. The LORD rebuke you." We will not be deceived into seeing people as our enemies. We pray for blessing on our enemies. We pray for blessing in this city. We pray for blessing on this election, and we pray for God's will to be done in every ward and at every level. This is not about fighting people. It is about taking a stand under the authority and covering of the LORD, of Almighty God, and saying, "Let truth prevail."

"Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven."