"All words are symbols that represent unspeakable realities. Which is also why words are magical." (Donald Miller tweet)

Monday, September 07, 2015


Soooo... small change in our lives. Just a teensy one. 

After 16 years at our current church, and ... hmm, let me see ... our whole lives in various parts of Ontario ... we're moving. 

To Montréal, Québec. Right downtown, baby.

I know. "Patti, I thought you'd never move, unless it was to Ukraine." Yeah, I thought so too. I've been learning Russian all these years for just that reason. 

Still going to Ukraine
for a couple of weeks in October,
for the record.
And it won't be my last time,
no way, mister. 

But the question came my way of whether I would be willing to talk about a new plan. And I said, "Oh, I doubt it, honestly..." And Spike said, "I dunno Patti... maybe you should have the conversation." So ... I did. And we met a pretty great church with some awfully fantastic people in a really vibrant city.

And when a person on the front lawn of a homeless shelter near the church instantly made friends with Spike, based on his hairstyle and tattoos ... well, we realized that our plans might be changing after all. 

So just over a week ago, this happened.

On my birthday, by the way,
though I kinda kept that part quiet at the time.

And this is me trying to graciously say "thank you" and something profound, while suddenly, tearfully, chokingly, realizing I now had a whole lot of goodbyes to say at home, and then laughing at myself for bawling in front of people I've only just met. And this is Spike, smiling graciously and secretly hoping his wife can pull it together quickly. 

And now ... we've got a whole lot of packing and moving to do.

With a trip to Ukraine in the middle. 

Um ... can I just toss out a quiet shout-out of thanks to those been-there-done-that friends who remind me that the emotional roller coaster of it all is normal?

"Treasure this moment, Patti, it will go by so fast."

"You know all these years when you've told people it's ok to cry? Listen to yourself."

"Bit by bit, you'll get there. It's a good thing."

"Those of us who know you, Patti, we know it's right."

"You're gonna love Montreal. Except the snow. You know there's a lot of snow, right? A LOT."

So ... it's time for a new blog label. You're familiar with "my city" which probably I'll just leave alone - it's Hamilton. In honour of our new French-speaking, soon-to-be home...

"ma nouvelle ville"