Subject: Teeter-Totters (aka seesaws)
Remember playing on those? Did you enjoy them? I did not. Too little. Whoever was on the other end was almost certainly heavier than me, and therefore in complete control.
Fun for the teeter-totter controller: holding me up in the air indefinitely
Even more fun for the teeter-totter controller: seeing how fast you can fling me up IN the air, without sending me actually flying THROUGH the air.
Subject: The Patrick Roy & Son Incident
Perhaps you saw this on Saturday. The incident where Patrick Roy, Infamous Montreal Canadiens Goalie, coached his goalie son to go beat the snot out of the other goalie.
Disturbing: Watching someone beat on someone else long after the someone else has turtled.
Even More Disturbing: Hearing that Pop Patrick says he had nothing to do with it, when we all saw him signal his son to go get him. That's nice. Hang your boy out to dry.
Subject: Christians and Easter
This was almost amusing, although the front-page headline doesn't show in the online version. The headline was something like, "Why Christians Don't Like Easter". Please. You have to read the article, but let me say that just because the Easter Bunny doesn't get Santa Claus's huge ratings, does NOT mean that Christians don't embrace Easter. It may mean we haven't LOST Easter.
Subject: FT Coffee or Not FT Coffee?
Fair Trade Coffee. Good for farmers and the environment. Bad for my wallet. I've been back and forth a few times. Today I reached a compromise. Bought two bags of coffee beans. One is Fair Trade (Kicking Horse Coffee, if you must know). The other is not, but it's twice as big, and way cheaper. I'm going one-third Fair Trade. It's what I can afford, and it's better than nothing.
Subject: Earth Hour

And that, my friends, is all that's going on in this pretty little head today.