I was looking through our policy manual today, and came across some statements of "how we work together" (for staff, board, leaders, whatever). They are AWESOME statements, if I do say so myself.
I think I'm going to stick them on my bulletin board for awhile. In the policy manual, there's lots of talking it out, in sub-points and examples, so no one misunderstands, but I'll just put the main statements here. See what you think.
They're best read out loud, and then you have to pause in between. An amusing experiment: How long does it take your brain to come up with a gazillion "yeah-but" exceptions to the statement? LOL
#1 I understand that I'm here to serve. Whoever. Whenever. However.
(pause. seriously!)
#2 I understand that I am one leader in this church family. We're in this together.
#3 I understand that pressure happens. When it does, I will not explode or implode - I will vent with grace.
#4 I understand that God isn't surprised. By anything. Ever.
I like these statements, because for me - they cover just about everything. They help me keep priorities straight. They help me not to think too highly (or too lowly) of myself. They help me communicate to new CF leaders just how things work around here. They help me not to panic at unexpected left turns. They remind me that my job is rarely efficient, and that's OK. (In fact, that's probably a good thing.)
(And yes, lest you are deeply disturbed, there is a mild disclaimer within the policy manual about healthy boundaries.)