I had said plenty of profound things over the previous twelve hours. We had a friend over, one of those people with whom you can get into really intelligent conversations. (Maybe the conversations are not particularly intelligent, but WE feel they are, and that's what matters.)
We discussed religion ... culture ... politics ... friendships ... music ... how his perfect baby girl has changed his life ....
In matters of friendship, we talked about how friends are supposed to stick together "through thick and thin" and I said, "Yeah, but in the long-run, we need more thick, less thin," and he thought that was pretty brilliant.
All in all, many witty and thoughtful observations were made by Spike, me and our friend. Those around us, I'm sure, moved in closer to listen to, and be enlightened by, our wisdom.
And then our friend left.
And my brain turned to mush, and neglected to warn my mouth of that fact.
Spike and I went to get him a new bank card, and we got chatting with the banking rep, a stranger who seemed nice enough. And I thought I would chime in with a really thought-provoking remark. It was supposed to start off with, "Yes, just recently, I was saying to someone I work with...."
But what came out was, "Yes, just recently, I was saying to someone I woke up with...."

So I'm not talking any more today.