A few days ago, Spike got in a bar brawl. He didn't mean to. But someone insulted my honour, and he felt obligated to defend it.
OK, that's not true. No one insulted my honour. If they had, I would have happily dealt with it myself.

OK, that's not true. No one insulted my honour. If they had, I would have happily dealt with it myself.
No, no, Spike was doing a Blissed video shoot. Hard rock music videos involve a lot of strange things. This one involved a swinging microphone that was decades old, and therefore huge. And it swung directly into Spike's face.
He went for stitches on Saturday night. This is how he looked on Sunday.
Here he is, on Monday morning.
Later Monday morning.
On Monday afternoon, we thought some sunflowers might take the attention away from his stitched up forehead and black eye.
Didn't work.
Here is last night's photo.
And here is how he looks today.
Remind you of anyone?