Aaahhhhh - the first Sunday morning service in the new space is finished.
I've had lunch.
Back in my office now, looking out my window. Can't crash yet - another service in a couple of hours - but I can relax for a few minutes.
Have I mentioned I have windows in my office? Two! Old windows, with dirt that has become part of their DNA, but still - windows! Big windows!
From one, I can look into the parking lot to see if the hypothetical person banging on the door outside is someone I know. That's a good thing.
From the other, right in front of my desk, I can look at all the bright chrysanthemums that my friend Dave planted two days ago, without any of us even knowing it was going to happen. They are big and colourful and beautiful, and they are feeding my soul.
He also put two big planters at each entrance, to welcome all of us here this morning. It was the perfect touch.