"All words are symbols that represent unspeakable realities. Which is also why words are magical." (Donald Miller tweet)

Friday, November 28, 2008

coughing, snorting, wheezing

Couldn't go.

I promised you a review of 2000 Candles, and I just couldn't do it. I tried. I really did. And then I said, "Hey, if I was sitting in front of someone like me, and they coughed and sneezed all over me during a theatre production, I'd be blogging about that."

I didn't want to be blogged about in such a negative way. I'm a lovely, charming person, and I don't need that reputation sullied because I sneezed boogers on the back of someone's neck.

Is there someone else that went? Someone that could review the show? It's still running for a few more days, anyway. I did see it a few years ago, and I can tell you with great confidence that it's a good show! You will like it.

Meanwhile....I am feeling better, mostly. Thank you. Thank you for all of your non-pashmina suggestions. It's good I have people like you to stop me from doing low-class things in high-class places.

And thanks to the friend who brought me turkey soup, and also brought Spike a big chocolate birthday cake. Both have been exceptionally yummy!

Hey - do you have your Christmas shopping done yet?