"All words are symbols that represent unspeakable realities. Which is also why words are magical." (Donald Miller tweet)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

whole lotta love

Do you know your love language?

There are five - words of affirmation, acts of service, physical touch and I don't remember the other two, because they don't matter to me.

Oh wait. Quality time and gifts. They're nice too.

I'm a words and acts kind of person, for the record.

Knowing the love language of the people around you can make your life much, much better. For example, Spike, knowing that acts of service is one of my love languages, will vacuum from time to time, and I know it's ALL LOVE, because he hates vacuuming, but he knows I hate it more than he does, so the only reason he would vacuum is because I know he would only do it out of love.

Or because he can't take the dust anymore. Still, I prefer to assume it's ALL LOVE.

Nice, right? See how it can make your life much, much better? You're welcome.

My niece, J-Blue, is my very favourite (and only, but still, she's my favourite) niece. The other day, as I observed the most minor of communication breakdowns between her and her mom, I jokingly offered to help.

Because that's the kind of person I am.

Knowing that she is familiar with the love languages, I inquired as to hers, thinking it would help to clear up the misunderstanding.

After a slight pause, she leaned over, and calmly answered - "I have all of them."

My niece, ladies and gentlemen - one big, multi-lingual bundle of love!