I am a little concerned.
If you are an Amazon shopper, you know that they "Big Brother" you to the nth degree. (Not the TV series, the Big-Brother-is-watching-you movie, 1984.) In some ways it's eerily disturbing. They know each and every book I have glanced at, and they feed that information into a giant computer that takes up a whole building, and then generates a printout of my deepest, darkest secrets. But then I find myself saying, "Oh, I really WOULD like to read this book that others who read that other book are reading...."
I hate being correctly predicted.
But today, presumably following the same logic, Amazon has sent another recommendation to me. It has suggested a number of books that will help me "renovate my life in 2010". I'm not sure what to do with this. I wasn't aware that I needed renovating. Perhaps a few touch-ups here and there. It's possible that I have one or two new scratches and dents from the year that was 2009. (oh please, as if you don't as well) I need a complete renovation??? Really???
What are they seeing that I don't see????
On second thought, don't tell me.
I like me.
Even when I feel like this.