"All words are symbols that represent unspeakable realities. Which is also why words are magical." (Donald Miller tweet)

Thursday, October 12, 2006

are you in?

OK everyone, I’ve gone public. That’s right – I’ve told you where this blog is, and I’ve invited you to comment on it. Why? Because maybe it’s another way of building friendships. How? Click on “comments” at the bottom of each post – you can read what others have to say, and add your own thoughts…anonymously, if you prefer. Conversation won’t be happening in real time, but it will be happening nonetheless.

My suggestion…your own identity is your own business, but don’t give full names or photos or other info that would identify someone else, without their permission. You’ll notice that I’m “Patti in Canada”, and the only picture with a face on it is mine. One other suggestion – be nice. Don’t make me delete you!!

When, you might ask, are we getting a whole actual website for our church? Soon, I tell you, soon. It is actually being created by international experts in a top-secret lab deep in the jungles of Alaska. When the time is right – it will be revealed. And there will be much rejoicing.

In the meantime, it’s OK to converse outside the church walls, right? Even if they are virtual walls? Even if it’s just on my personal, unofficial blog? Yes – I thought so.

So, I repeat the question of last week: Think back to your Thanksgiving chocolate deliveries – is there a smile that stands out to you?

Or, let me toss out a few new questions:

Whose story would you like to hear at future Supper & A Story events? (first names only please!)

What does it mean to you to “go through the hole in the wall” that we’ve been talking about?

Come on, CF – I know you’re out there!