We bank online. Have for years.
We also have a budget. A plan for our billions. I know - crazy talk, right?
Here's my idea: merge those two things. On your website. You have all my other information stored - bills I pay, savings goals, transaction records, everything. I'm pretty sure you know my original hair colour, and I suspect you also know if the person with the same last name as mine who was hung for treason in Ireland a century or two ago, was actually related to me.
So I wouldn't think this is too difficult for you.
I would love, LOVE if you would embed a simple Excel spreadsheet in that online banking space, just for me. A place to keep track of which money is for what thing. So that our billions stay on track. And so that I don't have to transfer the .002 cents of interest into my own spreadsheet in another window. I want it aaallll in one place.
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