If schedules (theirs, not mine) work smoothly, I'll be done by August.
And it turns out that now that I've allowed that possibility to sink in, I'm reeeeealllllly counting on it.
*fingers crossed*
So in honour of Outrage-Free Friday, here are a few things I'm going to resume doing when I'm done school.
1. Cook
Honestly, the number of times I've bought an already-roasted chicken and a salad, and eaten them right out of the containers before dropping into bed.... This morning I was idly considering nachos or another roasted chicken for the weekend, and then remembered - I used to COOK! Not all the time, not by a long shot, but way more than now. And GOOD food. INTERESTING food. I even had shelves full of home canning for awhile.
I miss food that is not roasted chicken.
2. Garden
I designed and planted and grew a beautiful garden at this crazy little house of ours, front and back. Thank goodness I planned ahead with perennials. It's the only thing that's kept it mildly - barely - respectable.
I miss spending hours in my garden.
And I miss long walks too.
3. Speak Russian
Turns out I couldn't learn this language AND pastor AND get a second degree at the same time. So the language is on hold. I practice when I can, and surprise myself at how much I can still do.
But ooooohhhhh, how I miss speaking Russian.
4. Read and write what I want
Not textbooks. Unless I want to read textbooks. I might want to. And no writing essays. Unless I want to. I might want to.
I miss the escape of burying myself in a book or a topic
that grabs every single bit of my imagination and passion.
Your turn - what are you looking forward to?