First Item:

Went to a Bowfire concert with my favourite pre-teen nephew on the weekend. Wow, and may I say - wow - again. How do people make their fingers move at that speed, step-dance at the same time, apparently without even breaking a sweat, and keep smiling at the audience, all at the same time?? Saw two bows shred WHILE they were playing.
Amusing bits of the evening - apparently my nephew and I weren't the only ones with this fabulous idea to go to Bowfire. Papa, Nana and Mom decided to go too. But they were going separately from us, so that J & I could spend quality time together, first eating pizza, and then comparing our secret thoughts on the rest of the family. But the show did NOT sell out. Our cheap seats got bumped to better seats. So did everyone else's. We ended up 4 seats away from the rest of the family.
We pretended we didn't know them, and they returned the favour.

What has entertained you lately?
Item B
Horton's drive-thru...waiting patiently behind a truck that belongs to a paving company...slogan on the back of the truck was "We pave paradise and put up parking lots."
haha!!! It takes a certain kind of personality to defy Joni Mitchell like that.
What has made you snort or chuckle lately?
Item the III
How about those newspaper headlines this week?? Lots going on at City Hall. I prayed with the newspaper in hand this morning, and then prayed the prayer we have used the last two Sundays at CF. Someone mentioned to me that they are using that prayer this week as we come up to the election.
What is God up to in our city?