So I found out that California (the Bay area) is not warm in February.
Did you know that?
And did you know that a gazillion sealions hang out on floating docks at Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco? And they are VERY FUNNY to watch!
Also...a tip here...when you're sleeping on an air mattress in someone's living room, make sure you plug the end, so the air doesn't leak out. Otherwise, you will cling to the edge of the mattress all night, to avoid rolling into the bottomless, smothering centre, and then...when your spouse gets up without will be launched right off the edge of the bed. Which wakes up the guy sleeping on the non-leaking air mattress, also in the same living room.
Many thanks to Joe M. who hosted Blissed and wives last week.
When I get some pictures, I'll post them for you!