"All words are symbols that represent unspeakable realities. Which is also why words are magical." (Donald Miller tweet)

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

butterfly blog

Well, as you are quite aware, there are many people out there smarter than me.

So I'm borrowing from a friend's blog today. The story is about feeling a "nudge" to give a toonie to a stranger on the street who asked for help, and the internal debate - "do I, don't I?" In the end she did, and then thought online about it. (You can read her full thoughts if you click on the "butterfly girl" link to the left - it's the "fulfillment" post.)

Here's the part of her pondering that I thought was very attention-grabbing:

How often do we complain about not being fulfilled, about our lives being too mundane and boring, about never having the opportunities to do something significant for God…and then we walk right by the potential opportunities he places before us because they come at an innopportune time or don’t look the way we anticipate?

Good, isn't it?