"All words are symbols that represent unspeakable realities. Which is also why words are magical." (Donald Miller tweet)

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

eight random facts

I got tagged by www.justonesheep.blogspot.com, so here's my response.

Apparently, I have to post the rules of the game - "Each person starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write their eight things and post the rules. At the end of your blog, tag eight people and list their names. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they're tagged, and to read your blog."

I'm with Kelly (who was also tagged) - I don't think I know any bloggers who haven't already been tagged. So I may not tag anyone else. I'll see.

But here are 8 random facts about me.

#1 My first kiss was when I was about 6 years old, with a crush on a boy named Davey, who kept beating up my dolls. (Hey, it was a town of 4,500 people - there wasn't a lot of choice in boys.) His friend Peter had a crush on me, apparently. So one day, Peter ran up, planted a smooch on me, and kept running. I was so mad, I went into the house, and stood at the front door, glaring at the world through the glass.

#2 One of my dreams since Grade 4 has been to see the clock in the middle of the night without reaching for my glasses. That dream became a reality a few years ago when they invented 30-day contact lenses. It was weird to get used to. I felt like I was going to bed with my shoes on!

#3 I would LOVE to try hang-gliding over the Grand Canyon.

#4 I would LOVE to hear Aimee Semple McPherson preach, or read transcripts of her sermons. (I have a written excerpt of one of her sermons framed on my desk.) She was an AMAZING storyteller.

#4(a) I think "Storyteller" would be a great job title.

#5 I once participated in the marriage of 2 bunny slippers, and I have the photos to prove it. But I'm not posting them.

#6 I skipped Grade 2. Which meant I didn't learn cursive writing until Grade 4, when a teacher noticed I was still printing.

#7 A big part of my heart is in Ukraine.

#8 I would LOVE to have the money and expertise to buy and renovate an entire street of run-down houses in the downtown core, but keep the resale value reasonable so regular people could live there - participating in urban renewal.

Tagging Jade and Dwayne.