"All words are symbols that represent unspeakable realities. Which is also why words are magical." (Donald Miller tweet)

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

dream vacations

Well the poll is closed, so here are the results of the dream vacation poll:

30% of you like lots of activities - you are the up at 6 AM, safari hat in hand types
20% - no activities - you are the all-day "do not disturb" on your hotel room door
30% will be on the beach
a whopping 60% can be found in the mountains
and 50% somewhere exotic

20% of you checked "other" with no explanation.

I would like to know what the "other" is in dream vacations!!!!!!

Space travel?

Home improvements?

You don't take vacations?

The comments are open to any and all detailed descriptions of dream vacations - let's hear 'em!