"All words are symbols that represent unspeakable realities. Which is also why words are magical." (Donald Miller tweet)

Thursday, August 02, 2007

no fish...how about a blurry sea otter?

Sorry Dougie, I don't have pictures of fish. But I have video of sea lions, and of a pod of killer whales - I just can't figure out how to post them. So, here's a picture of a sea otter, floating sound asleep on his back, with his little paws folded on his chest. All you can see are his head and paws at one end, then his feet sticking out at the other. Looks like a little man asleep on a floating thing in a pool!

Sadly, I didn't take a picture of the wonderful salmon dinner we ate either...we were too hungry.

(Oooh, got some great smoked salmon. I'll see if I can find the website for you, and post it at the side. Later.)

My ocean pictures aren't that great...it's not easy to take pictures in the rain, on a moving boat, of a moving object. I think I have pictures of puffins somewhere, but I think they're still on my camera - not downloaded to the computer yet. They are HILARIOUS!

By the way...my favourite pictures are the close-ups of the wildflowers. Wait until you see them!