"All words are symbols that represent unspeakable realities. Which is also why words are magical." (Donald Miller tweet)

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


My nephew has a gecko whose name is Rex. Rex is a great pet - tidy, quiet, just an observer of life.

Rex has one disturbing characteristic. He (she?) eats live crickets.

Rex is low on calcium, but they don't make vitamin supplements for geckos. Instead, you have to coat the crickets - alive - in calcium powder before tossing them in for Rex to chase down and munch.

That, my friends, is mighty disturbing.

I just can't shake 'n bake a live critter before tossing him in to be eaten.

It's like putting spices on him to make him tastier.


The nephew went on vacation this weekend, and forgot to feed Rex. Guess who got the phone message? That's right. We did.

We fed him.

But we didn't shake 'n bake.

Rex is just going to have to drink some milk or something.