"All words are symbols that represent unspeakable realities. Which is also why words are magical." (Donald Miller tweet)

Thursday, September 20, 2007

provincial debate

I have no political expertise ... various opinions ... I'm no expert.

So - did you watch tonight's provincial leadership debate?

Here's my take on it, for what it's worth (which is probably very little)!

Education & Faith-Based Funding
LIB - no faith-based funding; look how far we've come; no strikes under us!
CON - faith-based funding; let's include EVERYONE; buildings and infrastructure are crumbling
NDP - no faith-based funding; fix the buildings; stop the cutbacks, especially for special needs kids

Public Transit
LIB - we have a plan for 2025.
CON - use the gas tax now and fix what's there (isn't the gas tax what Hamilton was hoping for municipal funding for?); why did the Liberals wait until the last minute to have a plan?
NDP - more light rail

Municipal Funding
LIB - we aren't downloading - we're uploading costs. We've done more than the previous Conservative govt.
CON - you're downloading; smaller municipalities need help too; why did the Liberals wait until the last minute to have a plan? (I see a pattern emerging)
NDP - cities are in trouble; they need money

Breaking Promises - Recall Legislation
I don't know what this is. McGuinty's against it, anyway. McGuinty's dad also raised him to keep his word, and he wanted to, but he needed money for health care, so he had to break a promise.

Tory's grandfather used to shake hands with people; his word was his bond. Tory is also against recall legislation, I think. Actually, I'm not sure.

Hampton - wants to talk about low-income families that lost money in a clawback. Nothing about recall legislation. Which is fine with me, since I still don't know what that is.

Tory is really frustrated.

McG's getting beat up, but not flustered, and is attacking both Tory & Hampton. I think he sees Hampton as a threat!

Moderator wants an actual answer to the question - turns out everyone is against recall legislation, whatever that is.

NDP - we've lost many jobs. It's the Liberals' fault. It's the fault of increasing hydro costs. We need an industrial hydro rate that is consistent. Wants an independent jobs commissioner. Wants a skills economy.

CON - Ontario is "dead last" in job creation this year. Liberals brought in huge tax increase, which makes it worse. Lots of rhetoric. No mention of a plan.

LIB - Everything in Ontario is great, don't know what anyone else's problem is. We have the lowest unemployment rate in 17 years.

CON - Visits vulnerable neighbourhoods. Almost said he had lived in them, but not quite. Will revitalize low-income neighbourhoods. Introduce and increase mentorship programs. Will open schools with proper recreational facilities.

LIB - We are one large extended family. (I'm a little nauseous) We have increased disability, social assistance, child benefits, brought back student grants. Now we're going to give free dental to poorest families.

NDP - Raise minimum wage to $10/hour now. McG raised his own pay, but not the minimum wage. Liberals keep clawing back. We need provincial dental program, and roll back tuition fees and apprenticeship fees.

LIB - We've funded new officers, new crown attorneys; we have "guns and gangs" strategy (catchy, isn't it?) Going to offer positive alternatives to young people. Wants to ban handguns.

NDP - population grew faster than police force. Punish wrongdoers, devote resources to prevention, for at-risk youth.

CON - Brokenhearted at going to funerals for victims of crime. People being accused of murder are people with criminal records already. Handguns are already banned. Liberals have "catch-and-release" justice system. Will fix justice system (wow - that would be impressive) and be transparent. (Also would be impressive)

Moderator is wondering why he agreed to do this. "Gentlemen! Gentlemen! Gentlemen! Gentlemen - forgive me!" (For what? For moving the debate along.)

NDP - one of their pet issues. Roll back or freeze university and apprenticeship fees. Thrilled to answer the question.

CON - regulate tuition fees. Take a 2nd look at the system that assumes parents are paying for kids. Also look at ancillory fees. (What is this? I don't even know how to spell it.)

LIB - We're smaller in population than China and India. (don't know why this is relevant) We're going to give $300 textbook grant to all students.

Entirely Random Fun "Facts" or Frustrating Statements in No Particular Order
McG - "The fact is, your party (Conservative) left us with a multi-billion dollar deficit, and it takes awhile to recover from that"

Tory - "Why did the Liberals do nothing for 4 years, and wait until the last minute to have a plan?"

Hampton - "Mr. McGuinty, you must have been the only person in Ontario that didn't know the Conservatives left a $5 billion deficit."

Hampton - "The reason the unemployment rate has gone down is because people are leaving."

Tory - "The jobs you are creating are third-world jobs, at half the pay people had before. You're a high-taxing, low-paying, uncertain, unstable kind of government"

McG - "Bombardier is pleased with us"

McG (answering question about poverty) - "Babies are now tested for 7 genetic diseases, not just 2"

McG (repeatedly) - "I just can't be as negative as Mr. Tory and Mr. Hampton"

Everyone Throughout, with Great Sincerity & Shocked Righteous Indignation: "That's not true." "No, the fact is exactly the opposite." "That is a lie." "The fact is..."

And now we're an hour into this debate, and they're repeating themselves, so I think I'm done.

Still undecided. Except I am certain that the moderator should have the on/off switch for everyone's microphone.
