"All words are symbols that represent unspeakable realities. Which is also why words are magical." (Donald Miller tweet)

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

it's a small world after all

Last week, two of our missionary friends who travel the world on a ship, docking in various ports to bring help to the poor and sick emailed us. They asked for prayer, because she was quite ill, and the local hospital wasn't all that helpful. So they were docking soon in Manila, Philippines, and hoping to go to a hospital there.

For the last two weeks, our missions team has been in Manila, Philippines.

But Manila is an awfully big city, and we didn't really have a way of contacting any of them, except to leave messages on their blog.

And yet....it turns out the missions team was only 5 minutes from the hospital, and they somehow heard about our friend in the hospital having surgery, so the whole team visited her.

She and her husband emailed us to say they thought it was pretty impressive that we could arrange a hospital visit from Crossfire all the way to Manila.


I love it.