"All words are symbols that represent unspeakable realities. Which is also why words are magical." (Donald Miller tweet)

Friday, March 14, 2008

just another Friday

Well Bob has posted twice in one day, and I am deeply impressed with that. (Not to mention that I am drooling over the cake in his #1 post today.)

Today began very early, as Millhouse felt that we should be refilling his food bowl (which is full, but not fresh enough, apparently) at about 5 AM. Remember the lovely new floor I told you about? Imagine the sound of cat claws tick-tick-ticking back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, with the occasional THUD of a pillow missile that has missed its mark, and intermittent yells of "MILL!!! GO AWAY!!!"

None of it worked.

Stupid cat.

When I finally hauled myself out of bed at 6:30ish, I went into the bathroom and peered into the mirror to see if there was a visible reason that my contacts were driving my crazy. There was. My left eye was swollen almost shut, presumably because Millhouse got too close to my face in the middle of the night, or some such thing. Verrrrry attractive, let me tell you.

Stupid cat.

Went to Breakfast-W-T-P's, and if any of you readers were there, let me assure you that my still-mildly-swollen eye was just a result of allergies, not crying or anything.

Then we decided to walk to City Hall for our two meetings there. On the way it started raining. My hair un-straightens in the rain, and just randomly wings around. Plus my eye was still a bit wonky. I'm sure the City Councillor was greatly impressed. Good thing I'm smart....

Have not yet found a way to blame the cat for the rain, but I'll keep working on it.