But we needed food. So we went.
First to Lococo's, because lately we're eating way more fruits and veggies - good for us - and they have better produce than No Frills, at cheaper prices than Fortinos. (Incidentally, Fortinos has space to maneuver, but at what cost?)
I made the mistake in No Frills of pausing to consider my cheese options. (Pausing is also a frill, unless you have unshakeable levels of self-confidence.) Spike, in charge of the cart, was involuntarily pushed forward by the mass of determined shoppers behind us. When next I glanced up, he was disappearing around the end of an aisle at the other end of the store. Gone.
I figured he would work his way back. Turns out he figured I would work my way towards him. We were both mistaken. We finally found each other again, 10 minutes later, with the help of a whiskey-bearing St. Bernard.

OK, that part isn't true.
The St. Bernard was carrying lattes.
For which we were very grateful.
Got into line, and then realized how very close we were to tragedy, for we had both neglected to grab a package of coffee beans off the shelf, and we are RIGHT OUT. Imagine us in church tomorrow, trying to be friendly, sans coffee??!!! Spike would be fine - he's off coffee right now - but me....oh, it wouldn't be pretty. Fortunately one of us remembered in time and sounded the alarm, and the other of us sprinted through the mob to the coffee aisle, and we managed to get home, safe and sound.
Now our fridge is full. It's very satisfying.
Roast beef tonight!