I also felt a little ... caveman-ish. A cart loaded down with raw meat, squishy flesh, not a vegetable or whole grain in sight. I felt like my arteries were clogging up just looking at it.
Spike, on the other hand, celebrated joyfully and spontaneously -
"Wow! Look at all that meat!"
Ground meat, in particular, is weirding me out lately. Here's the issue.
Why the shapes? Why do we feel the need to pick up this big mess of squishy raw meat, with our bare (or gloved) hands, and shape it into different shapes? All the shapes taste pretty much the same - just add some bread crumbs, some tomato sauce, some spices, maybe an egg.

But sometimes it's a LOAF of meat.
If we're in the mood for some variety, it's little BALLS of meat.
Or on a really crazy day, it's meatPATTIES.
(Yes, I know, that's my name, feel free to make jokes. If you make one I haven't heard before, I'll send you a meatball.)

Of course, the meatPATTIES become burgers, which get their very own shaped bread, so that's REALLY exciting.