Plop a seed in the ground.

Walk away for a few months.

Graciously accept the admiration of all your neighbours who now think you are a gardening genius. It's just that easy.
Note of Clarification: I have heard rumours that morning glory seeds or plants or roots or leaves or something can be used to make illegal drugs. I would like to take this opportunity to clarify that the joy I take in morning glory is purely aesthetic. Can't you see the headline now? "Local Minister Deals Glory of A Different Kind"
Sadly, morning glory doesn't bloom until late August. When it does, it is truly glorious. Until then, please enjoy another version of morning glory, personal to our home on a Saturday morning.
Spike thinks I look like Tweety when I do this.

It makes him laugh. A lot. And then he tries it.
Good times.
Ah, yes.
Good times.
Ah, yes.
Good times.