"All words are symbols that represent unspeakable realities. Which is also why words are magical." (Donald Miller tweet)

Friday, May 09, 2008

Millhouse: The Story

Since I've been talking recently about our Insane Cat, and since someone wanted to know the origins of his name, and since my life today just isn't that interesting, I thought I'd go back in time and tell you the story of Millhouse. Maybe it will evolve into several posts. Maybe there will be a book, with rights to the movie. Maybe ... but I digress.

In The Beginning

We had been married for maybe two months. Our best friends, who had been married a few years longer than us, had just gotten a cat. It seemed a very grown-up thing to do.

We really wanted a dog, to be honest. But we were broke students, living in an apartment building where people set garbage on fire in the halls (seriously), and we didn't have the time or the money to commit to a dog. Our friends assured us that cats pretty much took care of themselves, didn't need to be trained, didn't need to be walked, and were happy to eat cheap food. Sounded like a good alternative.

So we thought about it, mostly focusing on what name the cat would have. It's important that your pets have a good name. I mentioned that "Puff" was the name of my childhood cat (who ran away - or at least that's the story I was told), and once Spike managed to pick himself up off the floor, and stop laughing and mocking, he respectfully suggested that perhaps we could find a different name for our kitten-to-be.

So, we were standing in line at the CIBC in Peterborough one day.

That's right. Those were the olden days when you stood in line to talk to actual people at the bank. ATM's were new, and only to be trusted for withdrawing $20 every now and then. Certainly not for making deposits, or paying bills. Or trying to explain that we didn't have an alternate address in St. Catharines, and thus we were reluctant to pay the Visa bill for the "Spike" who lived there.

CIBC. Their slogan - "For What Matters". Sub-slogan: "And it's not you".

What was I talking about? Oh yes. Millhouse.

So were were standing in line at the CIBC, discussing names for our new cat. Our theory was we would pick a very cool name, and then find a cat to suit that name. So we threw around a bunch of possibilities, and then we thought of that new irreverent show on TV, which made us laugh a lot. Those of you who are sharp, will notice that I used the word "new" for a show that is now 19 years old.

Disclaimer: If you don't like that particular show, that's OK. We're not recommending it. We never recommend TV shows or movies. It's a good way to lose friends. We'll have grace for the shows you like, if you have grace for the shows we like, OK?

And we started thinking through the characters on that show. Homer? Nope, too bumbling. Bart? Nope, too hostile and mouthy. (In retrospect, that name may have been more appropriate.) Chief Wiggum? Nope. Too many syllables. Millhouse? Hmmm. Loyal sidekick, willing to take chances, but not the ringleader. Fun to play with, cool with just a hint of nerd.

And there in the bank line-up, it was settled. We would visit the SPCA, and find Millhouse.

...to be continued...maybe...

P.S. to "Princess" who wondered why we would name a cat with a name we would not use for a child. We are not of the ilk that considers pets to be comparable to children. All due respect to any humans out there who ARE actually named "Millhouse," including, but not limited to, Richard Milhous Nixon.