"All words are symbols that represent unspeakable realities. Which is also why words are magical." (Donald Miller tweet)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Well, I am absolutely blown away.


Michael McCain, of Maple Leaf Foods, has responded with an astounding amount of honesty and integrity, admitting and taking full responsibility for the recent listeriosis outbreak. You can read the latest version of it here, but it's on youtube, on TV, and in full page ads in the newspapers too.

As you may know, sincere apologies result in serious respect from me. And I just dropped a line to Mr. McCain, on the Maple Leaf Foods website, letting him know that when this is all over - he's got my loyal business.

Maybe as the story develops, I will change my views, but for now - a LOUD, HEARTFELT HURRAH from me for someone who's got the guts to say, "I'm sorry".

With deepest and sincere sympathy as well, for those that have been hurt.