"All words are symbols that represent unspeakable realities. Which is also why words are magical." (Donald Miller tweet)

Friday, September 26, 2008


Last night, I came home and glanced over the "who called" list on the phone. All telemarketers, except one ... and that one made me shriek a little bit with joy

Which freaked out Millhouse, of course.

They called back later, and we had a good, long chat, during which we found each other on Facebook, and I pulled out my photo album, and we re-lived a whole lot of memories.

And I smiled all night long, every time I woke up.

Which was often, because Millhouse kept coming in and out.

And then he threw up.

But still ... I managed to keep smiling.

Their phone call sparked a whole new set of stories that I MUST tell you, in the days to come!

(after the move, OK?)