"All words are symbols that represent unspeakable realities. Which is also why words are magical." (Donald Miller tweet)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

gourd-related injuries

I learned something on Saturday. I should have learned it last fall, but nothing gets past me ... the second time, anyway.

I was in a serious soup mood. It's winter, and every warm-me-up coping mechanism has kicked into high gear. Baby, it's cold outside!

I souped for several hours. There is the choosing of recipes, the making of grocery lists, the shopping for said groceries, the cleaning of kitchen counters, and THEN you can start the actual souping process. (After doing a little Veggie Tales skit on the counter with the butternut squash.)

I made Cream of Potato and Onion soup. (Looks bland - tastes good, especially if you shred a little cheddar into it, or sprinkle minced parsley on top)

And I made Creamy Carrot and Basil soup. I know - weird, right? Soooooo easy. And sooooo good.

I made ... um ... oh, that's right, Cream of Broccoli soup. Also good with cheddar.

Well, actually, in this house, cheddar is a given, like or salt or pepper. Spike really likes his cheddar, and believes all food groups can be improved by either cheddar cheese or BBQ sauce.

And I ventured out into crazy land and made ... drumroll please ... Butternut Squash and Curry soup.

And I don't even like squash! But this - THIS is good. Even without BBQ sauce.

But here's what I learned. My hands have an aversion to gourds. Does anyone else have this?

Last fall, when I pureed pumpkin and roasted pumpkin seeds; and again on Saturday, cutting up the squash. After it's all said and done, I absentmindedly rub my hands, and realize something is off. Take a glance down and realize that them there gourds have sucked every iota of moisture out of my skin. I mean all of it. I have moments of wondering if my entire hands are going to turn to dust and blow gently away. And it takes a day or two, with lots of lotion, to get my hands back to normal.

And I just wondered if this happens to anyone else.

Meanwhile, I assure you that my gourd issues did not affect the quality of the soup.

Next snowstorm - mmmmm.