Didn't bother us a bit. We were in church (it being Sunday and all) and our music is louder than any storm. Spike's band was even there, and everyone knows they drown out all other sound.
Unless the power goes out.
Which it did.
Which was kind of funny.
Later, my b-i-l phoned me, knowing I wasn't going to get home until later in the evening.
"Hey, sis, did you know there's been some flooding? In the country, ditches have overflowed, pouring water right into people's front doors. Want me to check your house?"

Seconds later, Spike phoned. He and his band were on their way to another gig, and apparently they drove past and/or through this. He was wondering if maybe our b-i-l might check on our house. You know, since the highway was washed out, and neither he nor I was at home.
So the house was checked.
The basement was dry. (Yay for Spike's new and improved extendo-downspouts!)
Millhouse had left a few little "gifts", probably in anticipation of my b-i-l's visit. Millhouse doesn't like my b-i-l. Or anyone.
And then on Sunday night, the power didn't go out. But people took turns sneaking out of the service to see the amazing rainbow in the sky.

All in all, just another Sunday.
(with thanks to the weather network who kindly take pictures while I'm in church)