"All words are symbols that represent unspeakable realities. Which is also why words are magical." (Donald Miller tweet)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

do you miss me?

I know. Where have I been? Where is my witty commentary on the mundane details of life? Why have I abandoned you? Am I one of those bloggers that just ... *gasp* ... stops blogging???

I don't think so. I still want to blog. I still love to blog.

I miss me too.

But whoever it was that decided that exams, and Christmas, and once-a-year-visits, and detailed work plans for the coming new year should happen all at the very same time ...

Well, whoever that was should be shot.

I'll be back. Sometime.

After I start - yes start - my Christmas shopping. And put up a tree. And beat back the dustbunnies. And write an exam.

(Thank goodness for Spike, who has already taken care of getting a few family presents, entirely independent of me. Somehow there's a turkey in the freezer - I think he may be responsible for that as well.)