Let me tell you, one of THE MOST frustrating things I have encountered over the last couple of years has been the university website. I have ranted and raved and wept and gnashed my teeth and finally succumbed in mute despair to its refusal to be helpful in any way, ever. And don't get me started on the "why don't you just call them and talk to a real person" question. Universities don't have phones, only automated phone systems. And universities don't have real people, either. I strongly suspect the whole bureaucratic end of the institution is staffed by the Burns Harbor Zombies. (Not the profs though. I like the profs I have had so far.)
If it wasn't for a Very Smart Good Samaritan who happened along as I lay on the side of the academic road, bruised and beaten, I truly don't know if I would be finishing up my second course tonight. Hooray for Very Smart Good Samaritans!
This particular VSGS also has a sense of humour, and sent me this cartoon today, which apparently is resonating with poor suckers like me all over the place. Notice the only point of overlap is the full name of the school.

You can read a very serious article about this cartoon here. It explains the cartoon, because zombies don't get humour like this. And then what's really fun is this quote: "Greenfield also said prioritizing user needs based on research is not currently conventional wisdom."
That's right. Prioritizing based on ... wait for it ... RESEARCH ... is not conventional wisdom in a ... wait for it ... wait for it ... UNIVERSITY.
THAT is the sweet sound of vindication, if only in my mind.
(edit: i almost forgot to credit the creator of the cartoon ... their page is right here)