"All words are symbols that represent unspeakable realities. Which is also why words are magical." (Donald Miller tweet)

Thursday, April 07, 2011


If you're in Canada, you know there's a federal election coming up. Well, maybe you do. It's certainly possible that you don't.

We don't do elections at quite the same level of intensity as our neighbours to the south. Lately, we vote in a minority government. We let them go for a time. Then someone gasps with indignation, and someone else calmly refuses to budge, and PRESTO - we have an election a month or two later. Then we start again.

One debate only. Unless Rick Mercer has his way. And I'm pretty sure Rick Mercer gets his way most of the time.

I was just scanning through Facebook friends and the various blogs I read. I'm kind of pleased at the wide variety of discussions which all say the same thing ... "Any self-respecting Canadian with a half a brain will vote for _______. After all, _______ is a complete idiot, and the entire country is doomed if _______ becomes Prime Minister."

The reason I'm pleased is that these blanks are filled with different names, depending on the friend.  And that means ... I have quite the diverse group of friends!  I have friends that are "obviously" voting for the "only real choice" which is ... well ... Layton, Harper or Ignatieff, depending on who the friend is.  (Greens don't make statements like this.  Greens stay below the radar.  We dislike the ugliness.)

Did I just say "we" in reference to Greens?


Anyway, the one official debate is April 12, which I will, of course, blog.

And if Rick Mercer hosts a one-on-one debate, I'm hoping to catch that too.

Meanwhile, let's all hope that Canada ends up with the only reasonable choice for Prime Minister.  Not one of those other guys.