"All words are symbols that represent unspeakable realities. Which is also why words are magical." (Donald Miller tweet)

Thursday, June 06, 2013

spice of life

My life is full of variety lately.

One moment I'm using all the Russian language I have, just to finally understand that my guest loves birds.

Another moment I'm renting out the gym, or a parking spot, or reviewing financial statements.

I check out last year's perennials, coming up strong in the front garden. Wonder briefly about the fly-by angle of the bird who did THAT on the patio door.

Then I email my (fantastic) City Councillor about a situation (not the bird situation). Learn some music. Create some media. Write something profound (or at least helpful) to share on Sunday.

And talk to people. And dream. And panic a little. Rant. And smile.

And then Spike, my trucker-husband, calls after being out of cell-phone range for more than a day. He's 40 minutes away if I want to meet for dinner....

I do. I really do.

I beat him to the yard, unexpectedly. And blog while I wait.

Variety. It's a good thing.