"All words are symbols that represent unspeakable realities. Which is also why words are magical." (Donald Miller tweet)

Thursday, November 30, 2006

links, part 1

I've changed a few of the links at the left...
May I point out one in particular? It's the link titled "Karen Refugees". Why am I pointing it out? Because I thought you'd like to know a little about their story and their culture...before you meet a few of them in church on Sunday.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Did that get your attention?)
It's about a half hour video, so if you're going to take a look at it, set aside some time. It's a documentary based on the Karen refugees in another city.
And maybe there will be a "links, part 2" next week, just to tweak your interest. Feel free to explore them, you know...in your spare time.