"All words are symbols that represent unspeakable realities. Which is also why words are magical." (Donald Miller tweet)

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

pen to paper, part 2

OK, I'm back!! Sorry...I know you've been in suspense, wondering what powerful and exciting things were going on in my life...

Let's see...well...Jeff got groceries, so we're eating again...still driving a rental, but our car should be fixed by the end of the week...we're going to visit my Grandma for her 99th birthday on Saturday (we got long-livin' genes in my family)...we will be eating KFC there, because that's what she likes. I know, I know, that stuff will kill ya, except it hasn't killed her, and when you're 99, you've gained some authority on the subject of "what'll kill ya".

AND...exciting news...can I get a drumroll, please???

We got an email from Afghanistan!!!! (Remember the letter-writing night a few weeks ago?)

Here's an excerpt - you can look at the full letter on the bulletin board on Sunday!

"We here in Afghanistan have received your parcel of letters and I'm answering a few here now....Thanks for all the kind words and all the letters. It means so much to us here that you all take the time and send us letters. It really makes us feel good here....I have a nice picture that was sent in a letter of your group all dressed in red shirts saying, "God bless our troops"....Hello, I'm Wallace, pleased to meet you....Well you all look like a happy group there in your red shirts, hahahahahaha."

You can read the rest at your leisure.

You know what? You guys are awesome!

P.S. My thanks to the anonymous blogger who came forward this week to talk things through; and to all you post-ers who add value to our conversations!

P.S. again If you were here Sunday night for Let's Talk, you might want to check out the WonderCafe link to the left!