"All words are symbols that represent unspeakable realities. Which is also why words are magical." (Donald Miller tweet)

Sunday, December 10, 2006


my grade 10 science teacher, who seemed like a strictly serious man with no sense of humour, once told our class that peanut butter was made in huge lid-less vats in the middle of jungles, and thus was full of ground-up worms that had dropped into the vats.
i believed him.
didn't eat peanut butter for years. stared at it longingly, because i LOVE peanut butter...but i just couldn't eat it.
my grandpa used to quietly advise me that if i STAYED on my butt when Mom's loving-but-firm discipline loomed, she wouldn't be able to spank it. didn't work.
our childhood neighbour across the street used to sit on his front porch, watching the world go by. (that was a big activity in a town of 4,500 people) i would go across and sit with him, and ask him if in all his years (he was 150 years old or so, i figured) - had he ever seen a blue sky with NO CLOUDS AT ALL. he said yup, and i was deeply impressed.
any grownups stand out in your memory?