"All words are symbols that represent unspeakable realities. Which is also why words are magical." (Donald Miller tweet)

Monday, December 18, 2006

people of a lesser age than me

Moments of Note this weekend....

When Santa came to church, and was talking about a "Child" who appeared in his sleigh, impacted his life, and then suddenly...was gone! One listening kid's response - "maybe he fell out of the sleigh."

Then there was that wonderful moment when Santa oh-so-gently woke up an adult who had dozed off....

Not to mention another child's whispered question..."Why are you so skinny?" Santa thanked her for the compliment and acknowledged that he may have lost some weight. She seemed satisfied with that answer.

I've said it before...I'll say it again...kids make me LAUGH!

One more kid, that just leaves me shaking my head - this is from an e-newsletter that I subscribe to called, "This Is True". It's written by Randy Cassingham (I think that's the name), and each week, he pulls events out of the news as they are reported, just to point out some of the crazy things happening out there. I laugh, I cry, I rant when I read his newsletter. Here's an item in the most recent one:

An armed man forced his way into an apartment in Durham, N.C., and held the occupants at gunpoint, including a 5-year- old girl and a baby, while ordering the adults to give him money. That's when the girl's younger brother, Stevie Long, 4, came to the family's rescue. Stevie heard the commotion and quickly got dressed -- in a Mighty Morphin Power Ranger outfit -- and grabbed his plastic Mighty Morphin sword. "Get away from my family," the boy yelled as he burst into the room, swinging the sword with punctuations of "yah, yah!" The robber, and an accomplice who stayed outside, ran. "I scared the bad guys away," Stevie said. A counselor says Steve needs to work on improving his distinction between fantasy and reality. "He fully believed he morphed," his aunt said. (Raleigh News & Observer) ...With several years of intense therapy, he can be cured so he's frozen in fear just like everyone else.