(Someone asked in the last conversation if anyone has seen Rocky Balboa, and I have not, but feel free to continue that conversation!)
I'm reading another book on my never-ending pile - it's called "A Sensual Orthodoxy". Terrible title, right? (But I bet you'll never forget it!!) It's written by Debbie Blue, a minister in (I think) Minnesota. (see "house of mercy" link to the left)
I am GREATLY enjoying it! It's a collection of short sermons that in my opinion, could be used as devotionals. Forget the definition of "sensual" that comes to mind first - think "5 senses". She talks about the stories of Jesus in a way that makes it a real flesh and blood experience. Her premise is that we clean up the stories of the Bible too much, and make them all neat and tidy and clean. And they SO are not. For instance, the Son of God entered the world - through a flash of light? Did He get beamed down? Did singing angels surround Him as He slowly descended on a cloud, hands raised in gracious majesty? Nope. He came through a birth canal, which is messy and painful, and I'll stop there.
(At this point, I repeat my disclaimer that I have rarely found a book that I ENTIRELY agree with, in every way. I enjoy books that stretch my thinking, and force questions. So if you read a book at my recommendation...don't swallow it hook, line and sinker, just because I said I liked it! Value the right to think for yourself!)
Speaking of devotions...I had an idea...tell me what you think.
Anyone care to join me in a Bible-reading plan for a particular time frame? We could read Proverbs in January, i.e. a chapter a day...or we could adopt a read-the-Bible-in-a-year plan...or a number of other options in-between. No meetings, no tests, but maybe we will comment on it from time to time in this space, and maybe it's helpful to know that others are reading the same thing you are.
If that's not helpful to you - maybe you already have your own plan, or you don't like to be tied down to a plan - that's OK.
I await your feedback!!