"All words are symbols that represent unspeakable realities. Which is also why words are magical." (Donald Miller tweet)

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

OK everyone! Hands up if you missed me!

(The title is a direct quote from my brimming-with-confidence niece a few years ago, when she had been away from school for a few days. She happily reported that everyone in her class did, indeed, miss her.)

Yup, I'm back, been to Alaska, moved to a new house, and even managed to find clean clothes to put on this morning to come back to work. Where my desk is buried, and the "welcome back" comments had just a hint of desperation.

Just a hint, mind you.

It's nice to be missed!

Someone asked in the last post how one plans a trip to Alaska. I'll put the website in the links to the left - we did one of the self-driving, land-only tours. Meaning you pay the company, and they set everything up, and hand you a book of vouchers, which you tear off and hand in one by one as you arrive at the next event or hotel. There are some amazing descriptions of the things you can do!

If you want a cruise, that's a different company, but you can do a combo kind of thing.

I have a new phrase I learned there....I will write it out for you the way it sounds....we'll see if any of you can translate it.

Here it is -

"Izeer uh muwal ineeweya"

And if I have already told you the story of this phrase, don't tell!