"All words are symbols that represent unspeakable realities. Which is also why words are magical." (Donald Miller tweet)

Friday, June 06, 2008

six random things

Mimi tagged me for a meme. Mimi is the first person that I have met only online, and it is my assumption that she is not a crazy psycho who is luring people into her online personna. Her blog is here; I found it through Blogs of Note some time ago, and got entirely captured by her story of evil condo developers.

Here are the rules I am to follow:

1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
5. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
6. Let your tagger know when your entry is up.

I'm having a deja vu moment. Have I done this before? Maybe. I wonder if I will write the SAME six random things as I did last time.

OK, here we go.

#1 We never planned to NOT have kids. We just kept putting it off - "now?" "nah" "how about now?" "mmmm...no" We LOVE kids, and I always assumed that people who don't have kids either wish they could, but can't, or they just don't like kids. That's not true. But it's an overpopulated world - we seriously considered foreign adoption for awhile - and we both passionately love doing what we do for a living, and we finally came to the conclusion that we must not want kids very badly if we kept putting it off.

#2 When I was 14, I spent a summer in Alaska, after two weeks of training in a Florida jungle. I learned to lay cement blocks, mix concrete, do woodworking, check for scorpions in my boots and wash all my clothes in a bucket. I also ate moosemeat every single day.

#3 My original career plan was to graduate from Mohawk College's Office Admin program (which I did), get 5 years of office experience, move to France and work at the Canadian embassy there, gain tremendous experience and education there, move up a corporate ladder somewhere and eventually take over the world. While competently raising 2.5 kids with my as-yet-unknown husband. Instead I married a rocker and became an urban pastor.

#4 I love history - especially Eastern and Western Europe - and biographies. But only biographies with solid content, like Mary Queen of Scots ... Eva Burrows ... Peter the Great ... or Sojourner Truth. Her "Ain't I A Woman" speech makes me stand up and cheer. I am not even a tiny bit interested in biographies of celebrities.

#5 I do not respond to guilt that someone else dumps my way. It annoys me, really a lot. Why would I put this in my Six Random Things list? I don't know. I thought it needed to be said.

#6 I live near a Williams Coffee Pub, which I like to visit. Makes me feel all hip and such. But I do NOT like their coffee, not one little bit, which is odd for me. So I have strawberry-banana smoothies when I'm there. Or Earl Grey tea.

And I'm tagging DougieG, Bob, Starshine215, Kelly, Dwayne and ... Dan.