"All words are symbols that represent unspeakable realities. Which is also why words are magical." (Donald Miller tweet)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

bills gone awry

It's been a stressful banking morning, but it turns out it's all my fault.

See, on July 8 I paid my internet/phone bill. Wrote down the confirmation number and everything, as I always do.

Yesterday, I got a polite "you haven't paid your bill" notice, which I opened BEFORE making my morning coffee today. Freaked out inside. Called them, because of course they certainly HAVE received my payment. No, they said, they have not.

Freaked out a little more (still inside - this story only contains implosions, not explosions).

Phoned my bank. Oh yes, they said, you certainly did pay that amount on July 8, but not to your internet/phone company. To your property taxes.


I said but this is the account number for my internet/phone company. No it isn't, they said.

(Insert mental implosion here)

Phoned back to my internet/phone company again. No, they said, your bank is right. That is not your account number.

After a number of questions and explanations, I finally realized my account number CHANGED recently, and I missed it. So I had tried to make a payment to a NEW account number, which my bank didn't recognize, but which freakily coincided with my property tax account number, so they sent the payment there.


Apologized profusely to my internet/phone company, who assured me that they could see that I DO normally pay my bills, so I could stop freaking out about what they must think.

Then I phoned City Hall. Told them I made an extra payment to my property taxes, and I would like it back please. No, they said, you did not. Yes I did. No you didn't.

Pause. But this is my account number! No it isn't, not even close.

(insert nuclear-size mental implosion)

Think, Patti, think.....

"Um...could you check my old address, that I moved away from over three years ago?" Certainly, they said. Oh yes, there it is.

I TRIED to pay my internet/phone bill. Instead I paid a property tax bill for a house that someone else owns now. That's a pretty impressive screw-up, I think.

City Hall is sending me a cheque, in about 2 weeks.

And that's an hour and a half of my life that I will never get back.

The moral of the story is: No matter how good you are at paying your bills, always listen to the annoying "are you sure" questions of the automated system. They are there for a reason!!!

Also - always make coffee before opening the mail.