"All words are symbols that represent unspeakable realities. Which is also why words are magical." (Donald Miller tweet)

Thursday, November 13, 2008

my book

One of the items on my List of Things I Want to Accomplish, is to write a book. Spike always tells me I should. I tell him that when I have something to say, I will.

I may have something!

In the process of renovating the building that our congregation has just moved into, my B-I-L found several boxes of old slides. Unknown faces from another time, but the same place. I took them in, to get them put on a CD, and just picked it up yesterday.

The manager pulled me to one side. "I need to explain," he said. "Some of these are not slides. They are plate glass negatives. They are very old."

I smiled and nodded. He sized up my response, and tried again.

"Did you ever see the movie, Lady and the Tramp?" he asked. I nodded, wondering where this was going.

"Do you remember when they took a picture, and the guy set up a camera on a stand, and then put the curtain over his head, to take the picture?" Again, I nodded.

"That's the kind of camera that was used for these plate glass negatives. They are at least 130 years old. A museum could well be interested in them." He paused, trying to figure out how to say this politely. "You should be very careful with them!"

(Maybe he had seen me drop that one container in the food court.)

He carefully bubble-wrapped my package, and I headed out. I had just a few free minutes yesterday to skim a few of the stories that the former members had told us, and match a couple of pictures to the events. As someone who loves historical fiction, I thought, "Wow. Someone could write a great book with all of this material!"

Someone indeed!