Did you SEE that storm last night???

Spike and I were driving home at the end of a looooong and busy day -
(oh! i forgot to tell you, Spike brought me flowers on Friday! i just love that boy. pause for me to smile, and all of you to gag.)
- anyway, we were driving home and the lightning show in the sky was worth stopping for. So we did. Then decided we could find a better vantage point. Drove to the lake where suddenly the air changed from hot and sticky to cool and windy ... stuck my feet out the window ... and watched the show rolling across the sky, as we exchanged comments with other kindred storm-watchers doing the same thing.

When finally the rains came, we dashed home, and right out onto our big, covered, front porch. Stayed out there, reveling in the ear-pounding thunder, the blinding lightning and the spray from the driving rain hitting our arms and faces.

(Spike ran in once to check the basement - cheers all around - it is dry!)
Finally went back inside ... crawled happily into bed ... and slept for a solid ten hours.