"All words are symbols that represent unspeakable realities. Which is also why words are magical." (Donald Miller tweet)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Poco Loco

... quick study break ...

Spike picked me up from work, took me out for a burrito tonight. Jarod introduced him a few weeks ago to Poco Loco, and tonight Spike introduced me.

It's definitely worth visiting if you're a reader near my piece of geography.

It is truly one of the cleaner, brighter restaurants I've ever been in. I know - it's a weird first comment to make, but that's what struck me when I walked in. That, and the genuine friendliness of every employee. I think they might actually love what they do. What a thought.

Big, filling burritos, and be prepared to wait a few minutes, because they're made fresh. Every topping is free, except guacamole, for 75 cents extra.

Recently a FB friend made reference to a guacamole face mask. I don't understand that. Why would one waste perfectly good guacamole on looks? A few weeks ago, another friend made homemade guacamole for us to all share, and then left the remainder in our fridge. I freely confess that every leftover speck in that bowl went into my tummy.

Poco Loco is a tiny place, geared for take-out, but you want to stay. There's a wave-shaped curvy common table that everyone sits at, scanning newspapers. Or there are picnic tables outside. That's it. It's a little piece of community, right there on Ottawa Street.

They also serve Stoney Creek Dairy ice cream, which speaks for itself if you're from around here. Spike ordered his three-scoop cone, but I was too full, so the owner proclaimed that since it was my first time, he would give me a little one-scoop cone. My cookies-and-cream choice made him laugh - "that's what kids like!" - and then he told Spike that I have a childlike heart.

A warm farewell from our new friend, and we walked out smiling.

That place is gonna be a favourite.

... back to studying ...