I'm gonna wash that man right outa my hair ...
lalalala da da da deedeedee dum ...
I'm gonna -
Oh ... haha ... I didn't realize you were there. It's just that the Love of My Life (aka Spike) took me to the theatre on Saturday, and the music in my head just won't stop. Not that I want it to. And by "theatre" I do not mean a cineplex with sticky floors and the smell of popcorn in the air. Nope, this was my birthday present, and it was beautiful, musical, vibrant, passionately live theatre, baby!
We dressed up a little, like high-class people. We went here:

To see this:
So that I could fall madly in love with Jason Howard's voice, which can only be described as liquid gold.

Afterwards, we drove across Queen Street West, always a delightful show in itself, and then remembered Mamma Martino's, which we discovered quite accidentally over a decade ago. Parked in a cloud of garlic behind the restaurant, went inside, and thoroughly enjoyed garlic bread, salad and veal marsala.
A most lovely day. Although, if your grandparents also were at South Pacific on Saturday afternoon, they may be talking more about the scary man with spiky hair and eyebrow piercings who sat beside them, than about the show. Sorry about that. Spike tends to create a stir. He says it's because of the beautiful girl on his arm, but really ... it's him. And it makes me laugh.

Afterwards, we drove across Queen Street West, always a delightful show in itself, and then remembered Mamma Martino's, which we discovered quite accidentally over a decade ago. Parked in a cloud of garlic behind the restaurant, went inside, and thoroughly enjoyed garlic bread, salad and veal marsala.
A most lovely day. Although, if your grandparents also were at South Pacific on Saturday afternoon, they may be talking more about the scary man with spiky hair and eyebrow piercings who sat beside them, than about the show. Sorry about that. Spike tends to create a stir. He says it's because of the beautiful girl on his arm, but really ... it's him. And it makes me laugh.
Some enchanted evening ...
dadadada dum ...